Let us fuse our destinies for mutual joy

Ikä 60 Kaupungista Milton Keynes, United Kingdom Kirjautunut sisään Eilen

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Perus Informaatio Kerro meille hieman itsestäsi.
  • Etunimi Tony
  • Kuvailisin itseäni I live to know Christ and to make Him known personally. Also I have a strong desire to assist people identify and fulfil their assignment here on earth. My heart desire has always been to meet a person we can mutually serve humanity in submission to one another without any reservation.
    All we would seek to do will be characterised by the joy of the Kingdom of Christ. As much as we would trust to live life to the fullest. We must endeavour to stay away from materialism and worldliness.
  • Kirjaudu Kalat
Ulkonäkö ja Tilanne Mikä on nykyinen tilanteesi? Kuvaile ulkonäköäsi.
  • Vartalonmallini on Keskiverto
  • Pituuteni on 5' 5 (1.65 m)
  • Etninen taustani on Muu

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